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Posted by: Ponchale
06-08-2024, 10:20 PM
Forum: AstianGO Search Engine
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AstianGO includes a News search, delivering universal, completely private news results, letting you to keep a finger on the pulse of the news while remaining outside of the "filter bubble."

The Midori News tab can be found alongside the other result types (Web, Images, Videos), and will showcase the most relevant search results—which can be filtered by date—while guaranteeing a completely un-profiled browsing experience, allowing you to peruse the headlines free of any search history tracking. News results are provided by Bing.


When searching on AstianGO, you're guaranteed that you won't be targeted with particular stories and opinions, because we remove all Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from your search query. After deleting your PII, we then pass your search through Bing search engine and return the exact same result to you that anyone else in the world would be shown.

Most search engines keep an archive of your prior search and browsing history, resulting in a filter bubble—a tailored internet experience based on data they have collected on you, keeping you in a results bubble built by your own preferences. AstianGO’s News tab does away with this, so you see comprehensive news results without those factors driving what you see. 

Opinions are already sharply divided; prioritizing news deemed most suitable for you by an algorithm tuned to reinforce your supposed preferences will harden those divisions. It is therefore all the more important to have the option to see unfiltered, unprofiled results.


  • News results are localized by combining the user country and the requested "Search language" in your Settings. Since there are fewer localization options on Bing than on Google, there is a sequence of fallback markets in the event that your combination of language and country is not supported by Bing.

  • Just like Google, Bing will prefer pages in the requested language, but will also include results in other languages. For instance, you may at times encounter English results even when the search language is set to Spanish.

  • The News interface follows the "Interface language" in your Settings. This pertains to the word "News," the date filter, the words "Anonymous View," the relative date, and the pagination.

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Posted by: Ponchale
06-08-2024, 09:43 PM
Forum: AstianGO Search Engine
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Some browsers support adding suggestions URLs, allowing you to see AstianGO (or other) search suggestions in the URL bar. If you are running Firefox on Android or Vivaldi on desktop, you can add AstianGO search suggestions with the following URL:


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Posted by: Ponchale
06-05-2024, 01:02 AM
Forum: Midori for Linux
- Replies (4)

One of the distributions where users use Midori the most are Debian and Ubuntu distributions and it is very reasonable are the most famous distributions and have positioned themselves in the market so we want to show how to install Midori in any distribution based on Debian or Ubuntu.

The steps are simple:

Downloading the .deb package

The easiest way is to access and from the drop-down list select the .deb each time an update is available.

Add Repo Astian

  1. Open the terminal
  2. Paste the code below

    sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/midori-archive-keyring.gpg && echo "deb midori main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/midori.list

  3. sudo apt update
  4. sudo apt install midori or midori-ng
  5. enjoy Midori Browser new version

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Posted by: Ponchale
06-04-2024, 02:11 AM
Forum: Desktop News
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We want to announce and show that very soon, Midori browser will have its own VPN, an open source VPN, and free software, using Wireguard, and FastAPI among other components. we show you the video.

Very soon this VPN will be available in the Midori Browser.

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