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How AstianGO keeps you out of the "Filter Bubble" - Printable Version

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How AstianGO keeps you out of the "Filter Bubble" - Ponchale - 06-08-2024

Other search engines record your search terms, the links you click, your IP address, and other personal information. Over time, they gather detailed information about your interests, job, income, health, politics, and more.

They then use that data to select answers just for you, usually preferring to show you you the sorts of things you've clicked in the past.

Bestselling author Eli Pariser calls this the "Filter Bubble" because over time, the search engine traps you in a bubble of your own prior interests. That means two people searching on the same term will see different results.

Here are just a few problems with "personalized" search results:

AstianGO does none of this. You'll never get a filter bubble with AstianGO. We show the same results to everyone, giving you a reliable and consistent view of what's on the web.

In addition to trusting us to protect your privacy, you can also trust us to give you honest, consistent search results every time.